Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Transformers: Dark of the Moon 3D" midnight release first full record has not yet won thirteen million

International Online Entertainment reported this summer's sci-fi blockbuster file "Transformers: Dark of the Moon 3D" in the United States was fully screened 29 local time, 9:00 in the evening of 28 and 29 early in the morning, specially for the film, Paramount Pictures at midnight screenings, the results of two special mapping after, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon 3D" received a total of $ 13.5 million at the box office, which over the last month "hangover 2", a 2011 box office since midnight film, but failed to break the "Transformers: Dark of the Moon 3D" created by the $ 16 million results. According to industry analysts "Transformers: Dark of the Moon 3D" premiere date results are expected to exceed "Pirates of the Caribbean: Jingtao strange wave" of $ 34.9 million, thus becoming a one-day title in 2011. However, given the expected box office Paramount in only 35 to 40 million U.S. dollars or so. Spread across the United States after 4011 films, to July 4 U.S. Independence Day between the time, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon 3D" is expected to win 155 to 165 million at the box office.

On the other hand, from the movie premiere of the comments received after the point of view, it is also a gratifying sight. The film is currently on the authority of the Rotten Tomatoes movie audience acclaim rate of 90% in the professional critic is living in a number of awards, "Entertainment Weekly" and "The New York Times" are saying is directed by Michael Bay the film, "Hollywood Reporter" for the film scenes of destruction in the grand and imposing much appreciated, "Total Film Guide" that film than the second film is greatly improved. "Transformers: Dark of the Moon 3D" in the Chinese mainland release time has been set for July 21, 2011.

"Green Lantern" get on top of North America have been bad reviews but could not escape the fatigued

"Green Lantern" release in North America for two weeks, although get the box office top spot, but it is critical. In fact, the "Green Lantern" was demoted only for the declining "hero film", and there opened a "green light." Over the years, Hollywood has been popular "hero film" is no longer a sought after as usual.

Released by Warner Brothers film "Green Lantern" is following the "Superman," "Spider-Man" and later, and a story based on superhero comic adaptation of the film. See the title, do not think can guess how this is a film - starring Ryan Reynolds tremendous courage and wisdom to defeat the invaders hero hero to save the Earth. In theory, take over 007 series and Zorro series Martin Campbell, the superhero film should do regarding afford to put it. But "Green Lantern" release, they were met with bad reviews. American film commented that actor Ryan Reynolds has always been muscular, took a role in this film should be suitable. But Martin Campbell, this film was too boring, too nothing new, the actor's image is not clear. Context of the film story is unclear, copy the contents of other science fiction films of old-fashioned, too many high-tech scenes of the visual effects turned messy, superfluous and only an empty story below, it is far from satisfactory.

In fact, the action movie is Hollywood's flagship product in the summer, it should be said that many of these films to Shuainan and beauty as the key to big productions, red famous stars and box office. But have to say, Hollywood produced the movie line of canned heroes too similar, the audience has gradually been fatigued.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean 4: Jingtao strange waves, the same captain, pirate changes

After a lapse of four years, Pirates of the Caribbean is back. As a Pirate fan, I watched the film shot at the beginning of the film on a variety of dynamic, with the movie release date draws near, swept massive publicity, posters, trailers, spoilers ... .. I look forward to index Along with the film temperature and high heat. In recent days, some comments on the website to see a lot of negative comments about the movie, I can not help but worry about some of the film's future career prospects.
  Finally heading for the 20, today for me to see Pirates of the Caribbean's most important. In view of the recent 3D "Thor" effect, I determined to give up the idea of ​​3D, the 2D straight away. More than two hours the film has a climax, there are exciting, there is humor, but also sort of memories. Boil over 8 minutes subtitles trailers, read the egg was contented to leave. Perhaps expectations are too high, indeed the return of the pirates in this Pirates fans make me a little disappointed, the film gave me the feeling that the captain is still the captain, the pirates are not pirates of the year.
  Will not a small blacksmith's Qiaqia frame, not the Governor's daughter Elizabeth's tone flirting, the return of Captain Jack Sparrow is somewhat lonely, the beams are picked in the film he was a man who, ultimately, the film from start to finish where Jack figure, it is necessary to deal with the enemy, but also to help an old friend; to take care of the old lover, but also to save the innocent; both struggle to get rid of all forces, but also do not find the legendary Fountain. This time Captain Jack Sparrow said a lot of pressure!Without ever stood on the deck of the Black Pearl, drinking rum, sea breeze, the wind and waves the palm of the rudder comfortable. Busy task and even Captain Jack Sparrow in the hunt for escaped when they forget that he's famous phrase, "You have to remember today, because today you almost caught on the famous 杰克斯派洛 captain." Captain Jack, although busy, but not lost the charm and temperament, nervous face, rickety catwalk, cynical orchid fingers,, insane words, laughing, smiling ... .. Jack of all traits in this set are a perfect return. Four years, although the world has changed a lot, but Captain Jack is still that strangely, chic happy, love of freedom, the pursuit of justice pirates. This of course would like to thank his actor, Johnny Depp, and only he can give this role the soul.
  Captain still, the pirates are around has changed a lot. The first three focus on the one-eyed and fat has showy pirates disappeared in this episode (story by reasoning, as they should be fitted with black pearl black beard floating in the bottle). And that which corresponds to the Pirates lost two silly fat one of the British Royal Navy soldiers disappeared, is it incorporated by pirates, and pirates are now other businesses in Hong Kong? The only thing you can see a faithful Gibson, even though the captain has been the object of ridicule, but Gibson has always been loyal to the old Jack, and Jack, as he might, there is a yearning for exploration and the pursuit of freedom of heart. The end of the film, he and Jack go under the setting sun on the beach in that part of the dialogue that's meaningful, Captain Jack suddenly came back saying that very philosophy, then I have some little adaptation.
  A faithful old friend, but also as old rival, Barbosa is not a small change in the focus, not only did the dead monkey in this powerful aides, he has become one leg pirates, reported "a leg" has become the focus of hatred Barbosa's only task, relative to the first three focus on the collection of Reba Bossa scenes or less so that he and Jack are more subtle relationship, both from the point of view the film's story is from the oldenemy to the direction of an old friend, wearing uniforms of the Royal Navy, Barbosa looks a bit strange, until the last moments of the film, Barbosa boarded the Queen Anne Road Avenger, wearing pirate hat, screaming until I see Barbosa to the predecessor of the style, the only regret is that this episode did not see him eating apples, although the scenes in the movie as before, but Geoffrey Rush's interpretation of this role is really in place, full of the vase and the bit-part player in Pirates of the Caribbean, this acting school for film quality and increase the presence of a lot of weight.
  Finish those old people, say that this episode of the new, personally feel that failure is a very black beard villains, neither from the image to the style of David Jones, vicious and cunning, not that a paradox Barbosa Yao Qi. But the magic is still very strange, sword in his hand and he can help control the boat, but the final death of the little injustice was Barbosa's sword with poison stick behind the attack ... ... in the sense of film in the design of the lack of a villain as the predecessor of the Beckett behind this ruthless man, movie menacing Spanish Crown Prince, and finally found the original screenwriter for the film just a little humor added condiments. Female side, Penelope Cruz, Angelina This time a good grasp of the role of this vase Lika, feel it, and Captain Jack is still very call, when they play the dialogue between flirting always lead to a burst of laughter in the theater sound. The U.S. missionaries mermaid, I do not know who is not creative like this for children as Will and Elizabeth's succession, but from a practical point of view, love a little mermaid and beauty do not fly (allow me a little bit evil)
  3D film effects how, I do not know, after all, not looking at the 3D version, but the comments from many of my friends where I also learned the true face of the film pseudo-3D, glad that they made a right choice. As for the movie's scenes, in fact, from the trailer, I guess this episode will not have too many scenes, with the second and third set is not better than, not blame the sea, there are no major swirl, there are no major naval battle, no end of the world, in fact, part of the film's very little drama at sea, on land, most of the time, the film is amazing that the only battle field Mermaid, Disney really do not know where the money is spent, is it used for three-dimensional subtitles? No major scenes can also be understood that the collection as a new trilogy begins, take or story line, but this episode is not up to the height of the first episode, the water of the plot, water pirates, but fortunately there is the captain of iron Captain Jack's charisma causing the gas field propped up the entire movie, I feel a little like the set of Indiana Jones, Indiana Jones just replaced Jack sparrow, if Disney is also the case according to the routine , this series can be more named after Captain Jack Sparrow has. Although the film did not look so good, but as a pirate fan, or want to Episode IV can earn at the box office on the pours, so I can soon see the Episode, Di Liuji, the film's ending is left up under a lot of space, mermaids and missionaries "do not fly," love, Angelina Lika how to escape a desert island, Jack return to the Black Pearl, Barbosa's new boat .... Of course there are those in the series old people, showy pirates and sailors, I hope they can return, if Orlando can also return the better. As for the plot, what Atlantis, the lost civilization what Disney can give full play to its imagination, even to create the mermaid mermaid U.S. missionaries baby I can accept, of course, more important is still have that iron masters.

"Hannah": White's literary style and harmony commercial action films

As Qiaohuai Te only went to see "Hannah", if you still immersed in "Pride and Prejudice," "Atonement," the kind of unique artistic atmosphere, there is no reason not to see "Hannah", although this is a fierce fighting and produce large amounts of adrenaline to stimulate the commercial films, but you learn to appreciate a warm and sweet, narrative or poetic technique, fast camera switching and the long lens to fill the gap staggered performance, you will deeply feel the art Fan White children and commercial action films harmony.
As cold-blooded killer with a girl, which in the action film has become a fashionable, from Japan's Royal Women's image to the recent "girl Impossible" "Hai Bian Wang", to kill innocent and beautiful performance of the noodles, it is very "cool" to produce a unique aesthetic, psychological and visually from the more inspired the audience looking for something different, but if over to show off this "cool" school, rather than from the human point of view in-depth portrayal of character, the girl into a killing machine, even in bloodshed and violence in the fun, it is a banal and superficial, like "girl Impossible" film this bad, being criticized, and ultimately the audience away.
"Hannah" is different, although the story remains as an action movie can not help but fall into the Hollywood stereotypes, but White's narrative approach is clever, he had a particular life situation changes, to be based on changes in the development of character Hannah on, and into the human recollections, this formulaic story is about fresh twists and turns. Hannah and his father fled because, in the snow-covered forests in the life of 14 years, during which his father trained her great talent of little Lolita. Her cold-blooded side, was a big deer in hunting, and bloody bore profile, sinking into his hand to find the beating heart; she have soul fragile emotional side, when the first murder, actually hold live "prey," burst into tears. White did not shape her into a pure cold-blooded killer, but from a perspective of the psychological characteristics of adolescent girls, to take Hannah's life trajectory, making Hannah's image fresh and full three-dimensional. Subsequently, the near-wild girls re-enter civil society, especially in face of a French family, feel a human warmth, she learned to dance, music, wine tasting and wonderful kiss, and friends care, she realized to human life, warmth, joy and beautiful, so all of her own past doubts, "do you feel the beauty of your own, under pressure," she, a life to enjoy the blossoming of the girl in meditation this heavy creed, his eyes are so confused, so we produce a heartbreaking tragedy. Hannah's life trajectory of the film to the center, and the pace with the ups and downs of her fate, the expression of human emotions touching, and one of the bloody and violent, seems to have been overlooked, and this is White's success. White always thought that my own is not an action movie or thriller, he felt that this is just a fairy tale, but we think he just shot more arts action film, which is a commercial film direction.
From the film's artistic expression point of view, still has the style of Wright, especially his performance with a long lens to the fierce fighting and chasing, refreshing, and a lot of poetic flavor of life video images, the world's ice and snow, sunset orange, Happy laundry woman, full of stones in the wilderness lonely figure, with Islamic-style buildings silhouetted against the night the camel's head shape, seemingly busy pen, in fact, express a side of Hannah from the state of mind. In particular, some details of the description, but also compelling, his psychological changes in the performance of the Hannah, the use of light and shadow flashed her face, suddenly the devil eye skull, suddenly the girl gentle smile, one can appreciate the goodness in the soul with evilstruggle. Swept Mali Sha cruelty in the performance of recurring floss her teeth, bloody, and her cruel personality, like the description of these superb detail everywhere, so that the whole movie but the story seems inspired by the audience full of imagination, it should be said White is really imaginative.
Of course the film does have some shortcomings, especially the attentive audience will find some of the unreasonable place, such as a closed living in forests for 14 years in girls, but then well aware of the structure of modern buildings, fly away in pursuit of the maneuvers, The band of special forces playing round and round; Hannah for the first time into the city, on the bright lights are very strange, stunned fans by telephone and shouting their lives, able to skillfully operate a computer, even through a combination of genes to determine their DNA identity , it does make people feel iffy. Of course, try to shoot the film should be reasonable, but not too much demand perfection, because some of the flaws put some fans call it bad film, it is not enough reason, it should be comprehensive and objective evaluation of the mainstream, that the defects can also increase our movie-viewing pleasure.
The film was screened in April this year in North America by the U.S. media acclaim, an American critic who really dare to poke word, call it: "unprecedented shock of the destruction of innovation", although the wording on some of Guo Yu, but also contains an objective component, that an action film with artistic temperament, how popular.