Saturday, July 2, 2011

Is how the birth of film?

As early as 1829, the Belgian physicist Joseph found: when an object disappears in the person's eyes, the image of the object will stay on in the human retina for some time, this discovery, called " visual persistence principle. " According to this principle, the Prado in 1832 invented the "sly disk." "Sly disk" can be painted in a jagged cardboard disk was shown up by movement and activity, and can generate visual images of activity broken down into different image. "Sly disk", marking the film of the invention into a science experiment stage. In 1834, Americans Huoer Na "activity disc" successfully tested; 1853, the Austrian General von Oslo Ukraine has ladder on the basis of the above invention, the use of slides, showing the original cartoon.Improvements in photographic technology, is an important prerequisite for the birth of the film to also be that the development of photography for the film of the invention provide the necessary conditions. As early as 1826, the French W Fournier Phillips succeeded the world's first photo shoot "out the window of the King", the exposure time of 8 hours. In the early emergence of silver plate camera, a photo reduced to 30 minutes or so, due to the constant renewal of photosensitive materials used, the time of photography has also been shortened. 1840 Take a picture 20 minutes, 1851, Ke Luo tincture wet bottom plate is made, photographic speed reduced to 1 second, this time "sports photography" in the shooting has been in Crawford Daite, Du Minsk, etc. The experiments were successful in shooting. 1872-1878, San Francisco photographer Edward Mubuliqi soar with the 24 cameras shooting the horses according to the decomposition of the action group, after six years and more numerous shooting experiment finally succeeded, and then he was in the slide success on the show. That is seen on the screen of the running horse, Inspired, 1882, the French physiologist Marlene improved continuous photographic method, a successful trial of the "photographic gun", and Johnson made another inventor "turned Photography device "on the basis, but also to create a" continuous active film camera ", September 1888, he captured the event using a floppy disk film dedicated to the French Academy of Sciences photo.In the 1888-1895 period, France, the United States, Britain, Germany, Belgium, Sweden and other countries have taken the image and screening tests. In 1888, the French Renault trial of the "optical video game machine", this machine with a shot of the world's first cartoon, "a glass of delicious beer." In 1889, the U.S. inventor Thomas Edison invented the movie pictures of the machine, but after five years of experimentation, invention of the film mirrors. He produced the film screened in New York image, hit the United States. But his film mirrors for every one person only watch once put dozens of feet of film, the content is horse racing, dancing and so on. His film is the use of film as a continuous mirror rotation, resulting in the illusion of activity, we can say the most original movie is an invention of Edison's. He reached China after endoscopic film called "diorama."In 1895, France's Auguste lumiere and Louis lumiere brothers, Edison's "movie, as the mirror" and developed their own "continuous camera", based on the successful development of the "event movie machine." "Event movie machine" has photography, showing three main functions, and printing photos, etc.. It is 16 frames per second shooting speed and screening films, the image clear and stable. March 22, 1895, their technology conference in Paris, France, the film's first release, "Lumiere factory gate" to be successful. On 28 December the same year, they in Paris Kapu Xin Road 14 large coffee shop, a formal release to the community group of their own produced short documentary, the "train station", "irrigated Gardener," " Baby's Lunch, "" factory gate "and 12 films. Lumiere brothers was the first use of screen for projected film shows people. Historians believe that the Lumiere brothers filming and screening activities have been detached from the experimental stage, so they put December 28, 1895 the world film premiere date is set for the film was born when the Lumiere brothers naturally deserved to be "the father of the film."U.S. film industry if you ask people, they answered in unison: "Yes Edison." But if you ask the French, they will say: "Yes Lumiere!" So who is the real invention of the film ones? The answer: two people are, the two go hand in hand! According to historical records: in 1888, Edison began to study the photographs, and when the invention of a continuous film after Eastman, Edison immediately bought a continuous film, please Raleigh Dickson, William Kennedy and to undertake studies. The second year in October, Dike Sheng proposed findings, which he shot into the activities of the horse, this is the first film in the history of photography success. After the success of the Dike Sheng, continue to indulge deeper study, in 1890, he can apply to the patent activities of the pictures, these activities can take forty pictures per second, which is the originator of the modern film. 1891, Thomas Alva Edison reflected image management application for the patent and photographic equipment, which is the "peep show" movie of the originator. Thomas Alva Edison invented the "peep show" movie idea, because one person can only peep show to "peep" through the people's curiosity, so they can increase interest, so this film in a time is very popular. Soon, Thomas Alva Edison also created the world's first studio, a significant contribution to the development of the film. At first, in Europe, there are people in these photographs for research activities. In 1895, two in London named Aika and RW Paul Bard of people, the studio initially improved after a large crowd before the show was held. The same time, two in France and named Louis Lumiere brothers Augustus Lewin Miai their photos on the map in the screen, has attracted a large number of curious viewers. This film shows kicked off. Lumiere brothers in Paris and then on the industry screening of a Society award named "Lumiere factory door" movie, in December, in Paris Buxin slave street "big cafe," the underground hall, the formal public exhibition twelve films, and sell tickets. In September, the United States at the World Exposition in Atlanta, show that mapping to type the movie, also sell tickets. So we can see, early in the film produced at the same time, had forged a deep bond and for-profit. Pioneer (Lumiere) French chemist, co-inventor of its North and easy movie camera and projector, a pioneer in experimental film.

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